Directed By:
Stephen Herek
Keanu Reeves, Alex Winter, George Carlin, Jane Wiedlin, Al Leong and Amy Stock-Poynton
Rated PG
Genre: Science Fiction/Comedy
Format Used: Netflix DVD
Contains: Mild Language, Mild Violence
Head-Bangers Bill and Ted are the best of buds. They even formed a band in their garage. Heavy Metal, of course. But little
do they know that the music they are destined to create will not only make them legends, but change the world as we know it.
For the better, but history may be as it happened. For if Bill and Ted are ever seperated, who knows what hellish future
will come to pass. That day might be coming for if they fail their final history report Ted will be shipped off to Military
school in Alaska.
That cannot happened, so Rufus sends takes the time vessel from the distant future and lends it to the boys. They travel
across time and space to "borrow" historic figures for their report.
As silly as the premise is for this movie, I got to admit I liked the characters. The story is good, and the cast does a great
job with this slightly far fetched concept. Alex Winter who looks a lot like Sean Penn is great, and this is Keenu Reeves
break out film. This is what is called a sleeper hit, people didn't except it to make a ton of money. Let alone a sequel and
a short lived animated series. Which I also enjoyed. Bill and Ted are cool characters, they are likable and have good hearts.
These are the kind of underdog who love to root for to win. The effects are cool, and the humor is very funny. all though
I would have liked to seen a dragon in dark age time. That would have cool. But such is life. All and all a near perfect flick
and worth watching over and over again. I give BILL AND TED'S EXCELLENT ADVNETURE...9 STARS.

I do must admit that I enjoy the Bill and Ted movies, even though I didn't want to at first. I thought they were a pair of
twits that weren't getting anywhere. But the two grew on my. So I too must admit that I am also giving BILL AND TED 9 STARS.

+ STORY (A tad farfetched but still cool.)
+ CAST (All the cast does a great job.)
+ CHARACTERS (The characters were well defined.)
+ EFFECTS (Pretty impressive effects.)
+ HUMOR (It is very funny.)
- FARFETCHED CONCEPT (The idea of one band uniting the whole world in peace and love with just music is a nice dream, but
it's a little on the farfetched side.)
- FAN BASED (If you aren't crazy of this kind of movie, then it isn't for you.)